Pavel Maksimov, born in 1976, is a distinguished artist who divides his time between Cyprus and Dominica. His work explores the intricate relationship between art and the environment. His thought-provoking installations challenge viewers to consider the impact of human activity on nature, prompting a dialogue on ecological stewardship and sustainability.

Maksimov’s artistic journey has garnered him international acclaim, earning prestigious awards in landscape art and sculpture, including the Superioritas and Jeune Vague. His unique approach involves the use of highly polished metal spheres, which he strategically places in various settings to reflect and interact with their surroundings. These spheres serve as a visual metaphor for the interplay between nature and human intervention, prompting reflection and introspection among viewers.

Artistic Vision: Maksimov’s work is characterised by its profound exploration of environmental themes. His series "Reflective Nature" places metal spheres in natural landscapes, both pristine and affected by human activity, to highlight the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the consequences of environmental neglect. By mirroring their surroundings, these spheres create a visual dialogue about the interaction and balance between nature and human intervention.

Maksimov's installations are meticulously documented through photography and videography, capturing the dynamic interplay between the spheres and their environments. This documentation not only preserves the ephemeral nature of his work but also extends its reach to a global audience, furthering the discourse on environmental issues.

Innovative Techniques: In the realm of artistic photography, Maksimov employs a blend of innovative techniques to capture stunning images of reflective spheres without revealing the presence of the camera. These techniques include the use of one-way mirrors, remote triggering, periscope lenses, and multiple exposures with compositing. This mastery of photographic ingenuity ensures that the reflective surfaces remain pure, untainted by the tools of their capture, allowing the art to speak for itself.

Educational Engagement: Beyond his artistic practice, Maksimov is a dedicated lecturer on art and environmental issues. His presentations inspire audiences around the world, emphasising the importance of sustainability and ecological preservation. Through his work and teachings, Maksimov aims to foster a deeper connection to the natural world and encourage a collective movement towards environmental stewardship.

By integrating art with environmental activism, Pavel Maksimov’s work continues to inspire and provoke thought, urging viewers to reflect on their ecological footprint and their role in preserving the beauty and integrity of the natural world.

"In every reflection, we see not just the present moment, but a continuum of history and future potential. My work with reflective spheres aims to remind us that our actions today are mirrored in the world we leave behind, and in that reflection lies our responsibility to both our heritage and our descendants."

— Pavel Maksimov